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3rd EJTPFGM 2003

Certosa di Pontignano, 21-27 September 2003

Organiser: Gian Piero Celata

List of papers presented


Monday 22      08:30-09:00 - Welcome address

Monday 22, 09:00-10:00 - Invited Lecture

Chairpersons: G.P. Celata


Bio-medical application of micro-bubbles
Y. Matsumoto, 

Dept of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Tokyo


Monday 22, 10:00-11:00 - Interfacial Phenomena, IP

Chairpersons: S. Fujikawa, M. Giot


New closure relations for the wall and interfacial shear stresses in annular and stratified two-phase flow
N. Brauner and A. Ullmann

Faculty of Engineering, Tel-Aviv University


Critical roles played by an oscillating bubble in bubble-surface phenomena
K. Tsuchiya* and H. Fukuta**,

*Dept of Chemical Engineering and Material Science, Doshisha University, Kyotanabe, **Dept of Chemical Science and Technology, The University of Tokushima


Monday 22, 11:20-12:50 - Boiling Heat Transfer, BHT

Chairpersons: T. Okawa, J.R. Thome


Radiation induced surface activation
T. Takamasa*, T. Hazuku*, K. Okamoto**, K. Mishima*** and M. Furuya****
*Faculty of Marine Science, Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine, **Nuclear Engineering Research Laboratory, The University of Tokyo, ***Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University, Kumatori, ****Central Research Institute of Electric Power


Experimental results on rewetting of hot surfaces by droplet impingement
G.P. Celata*, M. Cumo**, C. Lombardo*,  A. Mariani* and L. Saraceno*
*ENEA, Institute of Thermal-Fluid Dynamics, Rome, **DINCE, University of Rome


Two-phase structure above hot surfaces in jet impingement boiling
L. Bogdanic*, H. Auracher* and P. Gardin**
*Institut f¸r Energietechnik,  Berlin University, **IRSID, Maizieres-les-Metz


Monday 22, 14:30-16:00 - Microstructures, MIC

Chairpersons: A. Serizawa, P. Angeli


Single and multiphase flow of gas and liquids in microstructured channels
D. Mewes, M. Lˆrcher and L. Volpe

Institut f¸r Verfahrenstechnik, Universit‰t Hannover


Non-stationary analysis of flow boiling in minichannel
D. Brutin and L. Tadrist
Lab. I.U.S.T.I., Ecole Polytechnique Universitaire de Marseille


Convective boiling in metallic foam channel. An experimental study
B. Madani, F. Topin and L. Tadrist
Lab. I.U.S.T.I., Ecole Polytechnique Universitaire de Marseille


Monday 22, 16:20-17:20 - Waves, WA

Chairpersons: T. Takamasa, M. Ruzicka


Analysis of wave propagation in a bubbly liquid based on a two-fluid and three-pressure model
R. Egashira, S. Fujikawa and T. Yano
Division of Mechanical Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University


Weakly non-linear stability analysis of adiabatic annular two-phase flow
M. Hemlin and W. Frid
Dept of Energy Technology, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm


Tuesday 23, 09:00-10:00 - Invited Lecture

Chairpersons: I. Zun


Simultaneous visualization of particle/bubble behavior and surrounding flow
G. Matsui* and H. Monji**
*Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Kinki University, Uchita, **University of Tsukuba


Tuesday 23, 10:00-11:00 - Bubble Dynamics 1, BD1

Chairpersons: K. Tsuchiya, C.W.M. van der Geld


Microscale analysis of the surfactant effect on the single bubble behaviors
S. Takagi, T. Uda, G. Kikugawa and Y. Matsumoto
Dept of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Tokyo


An experimental study on bubble rise path after the detachment from a nucleation site in vertical upflow
T. Okawa*, T. Ishida*, I. Kataoka* and M. Mori**
*Dept of Mechanophysics Engineering, Osaka University, **Tokyo Electric Power Company


Tuesday 23, 11:20-12:50 - Bubble Dynamics 2, BD2

Chairpersons: T. Saito, I. Zun


The wake effect on the rising velocity of small bubbles
G.P. Celata*, M. Cumo**, F. D'Annibale* and A. Tomiyama***
*ENEA, Institute of Thermal-Fluid Dynamics, Rome, **DINCE, University of Rome, ***Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University


Bubble rising velocity in one- and two-component systems
G.P. Celata*, F. D'Annibale*, P. Di Marco**, W. Grassi**, G. Memoli** and A. Tomiyama***
*ENEA, Institute of Thermal-Fluid Dynamics, Rome, **Dept of Energetics, University of Pisa, ***Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University


Analysis of bubble dynamics in explosive boiling of droplet with fine fragmentation
A. Giri, H.S. Park and B.R. Sehgal
Dept of Energy Technology, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm


Wednesday 24, 09:00-11:00 - Bubbly Flows, BF

Chairpersons: G. Matsui, P. Di Marco


Turbulence structures of microbubble flow measured by PIV/PTV and LIF techniques
K. Hishida*, A. Kitagawa** and Y. Kodama**
*Keio University, Yokohama, **National Maritime Research Institute


Bubble boundary layer and bubbly flow turbulence
M. Nakagawa, M. Aritomi, Y. Kumano and M. Mori
Dept of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology


Local and global scale structure of bubbly flows in GLAD (Gas Lift Advance Dissolution) system
T. Saito*, K. Tsuchiya** and T. Kajishima***
*Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Sihizuoka University, **Dept of Chemical Engineering, Doshisya University, ***Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Osaka University


Laminarization of micro bubble containing milky bubbly flow in a pipe
A. Serizawa and T. Inui
Dept of Nuclear Engineering, Kyoto University


Wednesday 24, 11:20-13:20 - Computational Methods 1, CM1

Chairpersons: Y. Matsumoto, A. Soldati


Modeling of two-phase diversion cross-flow between subchannels based on a two-fluid model
M. Sadatomi, A. Kawahara, K. Kano and S. Machidori
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Kumamoto University


A simple model for bubble response to turbulent eddies
R. Issa
Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College of Science and Medicine, London


Numerical analysis and experimental validation of bubble size distributions in two-phase bubble column reactors
F. Bertola*, L. Grundset**, H.A. Jakobsen**, L. Hagesaether**, C. Dorao**, H. Luo**, K.W. Hjarbo** and H.F. Svendsen**
*Dept of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, **Dept of Chemical Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim


Finite volume method for the solution of multi-fluid equations on unstructured meshes
A. Alajbegovic* and B. Basara**
*AVL Powertrain Engineering, Inc, Plymouth, **AVL List GmbH, Graz


Wednesday 24, 14:40-16:40 - Computational Methods 2, CM2

Chairpersons: T. Kajishima, R. Issa


Two-phase flow simulation on sliding unstructured meshes
A. Alajbegovic*, B. Basara**, D. Beader*** and I. Zun****
*AVL Powertrain Engineering, Inc, Plymouth, **AVL List GmbH, Graz, ***AVL AST, Ljubljana, ****Laboratory for Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, University of Ljubljana


A computational fluid dynamic study of Leidenfrost drops
W. Frid* and H. Tinoco**
*Dept of Energy Technology, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, **Forsmark Kraftgrupp AB


Cavitation calculation with the two-fluid model
A. Alajbegovic*, B. Basara** and D. Greif***
*AVL Powertrain Engineering, Inc, Plymouth, **AVL List GmbH, Graz, ***AVL AST, Maribor


Constitutive relations for droplet and bubbly flows and the role of turbulent structures
M.W. Reeks
JRC, Ispra

Wednesday 24, 17:00-18:30 - Measurements1, ME1

Chairpersons: M. Maeda, B.R. Sehgal


Measurement technique for analysis in two-phase flows involving distributed size of droplets and bubbles using interferometric method - Planer simultaneous measurements of sizing and velocity vector field
M. Maeda and T. Kawaguchi
Keio University


Measurement of liquid velocity around single bubbles using photobleaching
S. Hosokawa, R. Aoki and A. Tomiyama
Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University


Visualization of the bubble detachment at a dip tube
G. Janssens-Maenhout and L. Dechamp
Joint Research Centre Ispra


Thursday 25, 08:30-09:30 - Invited Lecture

Chairpersons: A. Tomiyama


The principles of complexity in bubbly flow
I. Zun
Laboratory for Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, University of Ljubljana


Thursday 25, 09:30-10:30 - Measurements 2, ME2

Chairpersons: M. Sadatomi, H. Auracher


A study on bubbly flow using wire-mesh tomography
M. Aritomi*, H. Kikura*, W. Wangjiraniran* and H.M. Prasser**
*Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology, **Forschungszentrum Rossendorf e.v., Dresden


Measurements of liquid-metal two-phase flow by using neutron radiography and electrical conductivity probe
Y. Saito*, K. Mishima*, Y. Tobita**, T. Suzuki*** and M. Matsubayashi****
*Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University, **Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute, O-arai Engineering Center, ***Institut f¸r Kern und Energietechnik, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, ****Tokai Establishment, Japan Atomic Energy Research


Thursday 25, 10:50-12:50 - Transient and Dynamic Analyses, TDA

Chairpersons: N. Takenaka, A. Alajbegovic


Simulation and experiments of two-phase flow water hammer transients
M. Giot and J-M. Seynhaeve
UnitÈ TERM, UniversitÈ catholique de Louvain


Fluid elastic vibration of rod bundle in two-phase cross flow
A. Serizawa, T. Sasakawa and Z. Kawara
Dept of Nuclear Engineering, Kyoto University


Phase inversion in dispersed liquid-liquid flows
K. Ioannou*, O.J. Nydal** and P. Angeli*
*Dept of Chemical Engineering, University College London, **Dept of Energy and Process Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim


Fine fragmentation process observed by X-ray radiography
H.S. Park, R.C. Hansson and B.R. Sehgal
Dept of Energy Technology, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm


Friday 26, 08:30-11:00 - Droplet and Particle Flow, DPF

Chairpersons: Y. Hagiwara, A. Cartellier


The effect of fluid flow on detachnment of drops from the downstream end of a flat plate
A.S. Lexmond and C.W.M. van der Geld
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven


Collective behavior of solid particles - Influences of Reynolds number, volume ratio and particle rotation
T. Kajishima
Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Osaka University


Heat transfer characteristics of warm water flow with cool immiscible droplets in a vertical duct
M. Goto, N. Matsukara and Y. Hagiwara
Dept of Mechanical and System Engineering, Kyoto Institute of Technology


Droplet distribution in the wall region of a turbulent boundary layer
M. Picciotto, C. Marchioli and A. Soldati
Centro Interdipartimentale di Fluidodinamica e Idraulica and Dipartimento di Energetica e Macchine, Universit‡ di Udine


Recent advances in volume of fluid methods and applications to atomization
S. Zaleski*, T. Boeck* and R. Scardovelli**
*LMM, UniversitÈ Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, **University of Bologna


Friday 26, 11:20-12:50 - Flow Pattern and Transition, FPT

Chairpersons: H. Hamaguchi, G.F. Hewitt


Update on the Kattan-Thome-Favrat flow boiling model and flow pattern map
J.R. Thome
LTCM, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne


Rayleigh-Benard instability of bubbly layers
M. Ruzicka*, J. Drahos* and N.H. Thomas**
*Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals, Prague, **FRED Ltd., Birmingham


Scaling effects with respect to flow regime transitions in vertical pipes
H.-M. Prasser
Forschungszentrum Rossendorf e.v., Dresden


Friday 26, 14:30-16:00 - Void Fraction, VF

Chairpersons: K. Mishima, L. Shemer


Correlations of void fraction of gas-liquid two-phase flows in vertical pipes
T. Sakaguchi*, H. Tsubone**, M. Sadatomi***, H. Minagawa**** and H. Shakutsui*****
*Emeritus Professor of Kobe University, **Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Ariake National College of Technology, Omuta, ***Dept of Mechanical Engineering & Material Science, Kumamoto University, ****Dept of Mechanical Systems Engineering, The University of Shiga Prefecture, *****Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Kobe City College of Technology


Measurements of dynamic void fractions in stratified types of flow
J.R. Thome
LTCM, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne


Quantitative void fraction measurement method by neutron radiography and some applications
N. Takenaka and H. Asano
Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Kobe University


Friday 26, 16:20-18:20 - Jets, JE

Chairpersons: K. Hishida, L. Tadrist


Role of fluid properties on the critical conditions of air entrainment by smooth plunging jets
A. Cartellier* and J.C. Lasheras**
*LEGI, Grenoble, **MAE Department, University of California at San Diego


Numerical analysis of liquid jet instability - Effects of cavitation in a nozzle
A. Sou, K. Hayashi and A. Tomiyama
Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University


Investigation of two-phase flows generated by cavitation inside high-pressure injection nozzles
I. Baz, M. Lance, J.C. Champoussin and J.L. Marie
Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides et d'Acoustique, Ecole Centrale de Lyon


Mixing process of particles into a jet in downer-type mixer
H. Monji*, G. Matsui**, R. Ogiso*** and A. Mizusaki*
*Institute of Engineering Mechanics and Systems, University of Tsukuba, **Dept of Mechanical Engineering and Biomimetics, School of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology,  Kinki University, Uchita, ***Chiyoda Advanced Solutions, Yokohama


Saturday 27, 08:30-11:00 - Slug Flow, SF

Chairpersons: N. Brauner, M. Aritomi


Sound transmission in two-phase slug flows
P.J. van Dijk, A. Prosperetti and A. Biesheuvel
University of Twente, J.M. Burgers Centre for Fluid Mechanics


Experiments on the turbulence structure and the void fraction distribution in the Taylor bubble wake
L. Shemer, A. Gulitsky and D. Barnea
Dept of Fluid Mechanics, Tel-Aviv University


A three-dimensional study of Taylor bubble turning in two-phase downflow
P.M. Ujang, C.J. Lawrence and G.F. Hewitt
Dept of Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology, Imperial College, London


Flow characteristics of a single large bubble rising in an inclined rectangular channel
H. Hamaguchi
Faculty of Human Development, Kobe University


Validity of the homogeneous model for the prediction of liquid holdup within the slug body
C.P. Hale, G.F. Hewitt, I.G. Manolis, M.A. Mendes, S.M. Richardson and W.L. Wong
Dept of Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology, Imperial College, London


Saturday 27, 11:30-12:30 - Discussion for future collaboration

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