49th ETPFGM 2011
Tel Aviv, 29 May - 2 June 2011
Organiser: Yehuda Taitel

List of papers presented
Practices and challenges of multiphase flow engineering in production of oil and gas fields
M. Golan
Interface tracking simulation of dissolving bubbles and of contaminated bubbles and drops
A. Tomiyama, K. Hayashi
Thermocapillary dynamics of drops
A. Nir
Breakup and dispersion of fuel droplets treated with dispersants in turbulent flows
J. Katz
Ordered models for disordered matter
Y. Shokef
Experiments and modeling of dynamic two phase flows. Examples from the NTNU laboratory. Unified flow pattern
O.J. Nydal
Bubble dynamics in single component fluid
N.I. Kolev
Analysis of boiling
N.I. Kolev
Experimental investigation of explosive vaporization of C6F14
C. Desnous, A. Cartellier, N. Meyers
Flow boiling instabilities at the micro scale - problem statement and means for mitigation
Y. Peles
The dynamics of gas-liquid interface flow structures in a mini manifold system
J. Gregorc and I. Zun
Two-phase flow pattern maps for microchannels: roadmap to smart maps
J.R. Thome, A. Bar-Cohen, R. Revellin, E. Rahim
3D moving mesh technique for microscale two-phase flows
G. Rabello dos Anjos, N. Borhani, J.R. Thome
Adiabatic vertical downward two-phase co-flow: Flow pattern diagram, spatio-temporal flow development, and hysteresis effects
M. Milan, N. Borhani, J.R. Thome
Single camera 3D particle tracking velocimetry with real-time image processing
M. Kreizer, A. Liberzon
Development of a digital holography system for the investigation of particle dispersal in a turbulent flow
R. van Hout, J. Arca
Some new insights into gas-liquid upward pipe flows by ultra fast X-ray CT
D. Lucas, D. Hoppe, M. Banowski, U. Hampel, F. Barthel, U. Sprewitz, M. Beyer
Effect of rain scavenging on altitudinal distribution of soluble gaseous pollutants in the atmosphere
T. Elperin, A. Fominykh, B. Krasovitov
Experimental study of the onset of dryout and post dryout heat transfer in a bilaterally heated annulus with flow obstacles
I.G. Anghel, H. Anglart
Threshold velocities in horizontal particle-fluid flows
E. Rabinovich, H. Kalman
Two-phase flow patterns, visualization and pressure drop in return bends: experimental results for R-134a, R-410a and HFO-1234yf
R. Revellin, M. Padilla, J. Bonjour
Effect of drag reducing polymers on two-phase stratified flow in horizontal and slightly inclined pipes
N. Kampouras, M. Vlachogiannis, N. Andritsos
Wall shear stress and heat transfer in downward liquid flow with a stationary Taylor bubble
O. Kashinsky, A. Kurdyumov, P. Lobanov
Influence of high sorption potential on two-phase gap flows in twin-screw multiphase pumps
F. Hatesuer, C. Tomforde, M. Reichwage, D. Mewes, A. Luke
Dynamics of bubbles and particles under the action of acoustic forces in fluids
L.A. Ostrovsky
Implementation of combined Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) and Discrete Element Method (DEM) for simulating multiphase flows
T. Brosh, A. Levy
Effect of surface tension, gravity and shear stress in minichannel condensation: simulations vs. experiments
D. Del Col. E. Da Riva, S. Bortolin
Flow rate distribution in an evaporating multiple pipe system - Theory and experiments
M. Baikin, Y. Taitel, D. Barnea
Severe slugging simplified one-dimensional transient model for viscous flow
A. Shmueli, M. Stanko, O. Aguillùn, A. Vidal, J. De Andrade, M. Asuaje
3-D wavy patterns of liquid film flows with complicated conditions
S.V. Alekseenko, A.V. Bbobylev, A.V. Cherdantsev, V.V. Guzanov, S.M. Kharlamov, D.M. Markovich
Heat conduction to a vapor bubble in a liquid layer on a thin solid heated from below: The contact line, the conjugate problem. Continuum and molecular dynamics results
J.Y. Bao, L. Huang, Z. Dagan, J. Koplik, D. Rumschitzki
The influence of the microstructure on pool boiling, A state-of-the-art review
B.C.F. Müller, A. Luke
Trapped water displacement by flowing oil from the lowest section of hilly pipelines
G. Xu, A. Ullmann, N. Brauner
Experimental invastigation of the local heat transfer in a vertical gasliquid slug unit
V. Babin, L. Shemer, D. Barnea
General relationship for bubble growth during decompression of supersaturated liquids
W. Frid
Simulation of three-phase flow and spreading of dispersed particles in a deep pool of water heated by core debris bed
S. Yakush, P. Kudinov, W. Frid